Friday, August 23, 2013

Find Your Cause

As men we are fulfilled with a joy when people need us. But our biggest joy comes from our purpose or finding our cause in life. Sure most of us were taught to provide the money and protect those around us but honestly is that enough?

When you find your cause in life you begin to live a joy that is past happiness. Most guys love food, women, and of course sex. But when you know what you were meant to do in life those joys become very secondary. I know some may not believe it but it is true. It doesn't mean these things don't give you any enjoyment but they don't become the forefront of your life.

Finding your cause is like finding gold, or finding the right woman, or conquering something you never thought you could.

We all search to find that one or the few things that is in our realm that fulfills us every single day; no matter the challenge or difficulty from time to time. But somehow during the search "life happens" or we settle. Brothers (and sisters) we must not allow others to find our cause for us. We must not settle because it seems unreachable mainly because no one around us has done it. Be the first to do it all...start history.

Finding your cause and fulfilling your purpose brings a different mindset to your life too. You become more of a critical thinker and more passionate. This means you treat yourself differently as well as others. The key to the cause is using everything that makes you. You can't use what others are made of if you aren't made of the same thing. Your cause may not be the same as your mom's cause but your cause is just as great!

So stop & think, what is your cause in life? Seek it. Find it. Believe in it because its believing in you too.

Find your cause.

- Peace & Love

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