Friday, August 15, 2014

Track 3: Die First

This is the first track I want to share because currently it is getting me through a tough time.

The song is probably about 4 years old: as in the foundation. At it's origin I was working with two great artists; a guy and a girl. I was basically using our session as a development session for them. So I asked them to write something. The guy played some cool chords and the girl wrote the first lyric; "I have to die first get get to my destiny". At that point the song was born. I added some piano. Later from that day the girl and I wrote our verses. We got the guy to write his verse later too. But nothing ever came of the song.

So roughly about a year or more ago I reopened the session. At the point I still felt the same way; the song had to come out! But I had to reproduce it. I had to get my voice ready. Then I had to see if my partners were on board again.

Musically I had to learn what the guitar was doing. Once I did that I had to make the chords full. Then I learned the piano. Then I had to make new drum patterns. Sadly my partners weren't able to do their verses again. So I had to pray about what I would do. How could I still do the song because I knew people needed the message.

So somehow I decided to make a rap version. I wrote the hook very swiftly. It embody the same essence of the hook from before but there was even more substance; the idea of the flesh dying was hitting a different chord now. I loved that.

Then I wrote my verse but had no idea if I was going to sing on the song as before or what. But again after more prayer I got a good friend of mine to feature on the song. And the most brilliant idea on the album was to take the old hook and make it the bridge. Moreover, I ended up writing this great chant like hook that expressed all the things that could prosper when my flesh would die: my spirit, my destiny, & my wife.

So the song really came together. But even just a week ago I felt something was missing and the song needed more. So I forgot since my guy couldn't do his guitar part I had to create my own. Once I added guitars and solos the song jumped to another dimension.

In dying first I know it is daily. We have to know God created opportunities for you to use His word by moving by the spirit and not by flesh. And when we can do that more often than not many things in ourselves and things around us can prosper.

Die first!

Peace & Love,
Jastin Artis

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