Friday, September 20, 2013

Support Your Own

No matter our culture, race, and perception on life being supportive is apart of every one's life. How we support is what I want to discuss.

I'm one of those supportive people that will do my best to show up to your function; if I can't show up I'll promote it and tell someone; if it's a business idea you might have to sit me down because I'm willing to help where/when needed and with what I know how to do.

There is no fee for support just like love. But in my own life I've seen a lack of support and it can be damaging. Yes sure I'm strong and can do many things alone (so can you) without acknowledgement, love, support, and a care in the world by anyone BUT should I have too? Should you have to?

Many of us grow to know the word "support" by the time we leave high school. Your experience with that word sets the tone of how you receive your support and how you give it.

Right now I challenge you to be FULLY SUPPORTIVE in the ways you know how and even step up to do things outside of your norm. Sometimes you just show support to a person you don't know. Moreover, be supportive to those that need it most and feel they don't have it. These are the closest people to you that you say you love and care about. Show that care, that love by truly supporting each person in your circle.

Sometimes it's just listening and encouraging that person. It's not always about giving money but give with good intensions. The big brands you know gain heavy support (financial & counsel) to be the big companies you know. Of course, time is much more valuable. Your words of wisdom turns into a million dollars!!!

Support how you would like to be supported for your business, getting your degree, having kids, going to the hospital, losing a friend, and all the many things any one person goes through in the year. Support your own.

- Peace & Love

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Do It When Ready

A man elevated is truly about being a man of God. It's a mindset. I know more than a few may think they can't me a "Christian" or "believer" or a man elevated...but you can...when you're ready to do it.

I never grew up going to every Sunday service, every Wednesday for bible study, and whatever revival or special service. As a teenager I had a choice to go to service when my mom did. Sometimes I'd go and other times I wouldn't. I did consider there had to be a higher power though if something created me. I guess it could be called God but I knew it was something. And what made me know there was a God was because I finally had an experience with God. Even after a few experiences I was never ready to be a Christian. I knew his spirit but was not ready to know His full character & principles.

A man elevated is another defined way to be better. It requires a new standard. The bar raises and never falls. We may fall but not the standard. But to be a man elevated is to be a man who is ready...ready to believe when you have every reason not to...ready to hold yourself fully accountable...ready to be honest...ready to own your truth (right or wrong) & speak it...ready to submit to a power higher than you.

Mr. Brian Johnson used a word picture to relate to this topic; working a job. Here is the shorten version. When you are ready and able to work you seek a job and you get that job. You spend everyday fulfilling your job description and hopefully doing a great job. You do a great job because the pay is good, great benefits, and hopefully one day you can retire. When you need more you work more. Some of us work 2 to 3 jobs. Co-workers can get on our nerves but we stay focused on making our dollar and moving up in the company. I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the principle.

Now I ask every man to consider this, when you ready to get that chick (ladies forgive the expression) you do everything possible to get her. Your whole swag changes, it elevates 'cause you are ready to get her. Whether it be a ho or wifey material. You buy flowers, or talk game (game changes depending on which brand of woman you are conversing with), get the car clean, tell the fellas what chick you are about to get (similar to professing about your God), get your hair cut, thinking of the right things to say to get what you want, and whatever else us men do. Even when the chick not trying to hear it we try something else till we get what we want 'cause we ready!! Even when we are ready to get wifey material we become elevated. Everyone knows we are changing from what we use to be because we are more defined, controlled, thoughtful, mature, & so on.

The examples I explain are the same principles of building a sure relationship with God to become a man elevated. But the key to your confused lock on your mind is to be ready. Stop over thinking and making reasons to fit to why you can't be a man elevated but reasons of why you CAN be a man elevated.

Everything we exist in today was based off of God's principles, man just changed it to fit what want; us humans do that.

If you believe in yourself you are really saying you believe in God. If you love your family and ya homies you really love God, just cut out all the man made stuff, violence, hatred, and what's left; peace and love.

But only when you're ready. When you are ready to do it you will become a man elevated.

(Listen to "My Experience":

- Peace & Love

Friday, August 23, 2013

Find Your Cause

As men we are fulfilled with a joy when people need us. But our biggest joy comes from our purpose or finding our cause in life. Sure most of us were taught to provide the money and protect those around us but honestly is that enough?

When you find your cause in life you begin to live a joy that is past happiness. Most guys love food, women, and of course sex. But when you know what you were meant to do in life those joys become very secondary. I know some may not believe it but it is true. It doesn't mean these things don't give you any enjoyment but they don't become the forefront of your life.

Finding your cause is like finding gold, or finding the right woman, or conquering something you never thought you could.

We all search to find that one or the few things that is in our realm that fulfills us every single day; no matter the challenge or difficulty from time to time. But somehow during the search "life happens" or we settle. Brothers (and sisters) we must not allow others to find our cause for us. We must not settle because it seems unreachable mainly because no one around us has done it. Be the first to do it all...start history.

Finding your cause and fulfilling your purpose brings a different mindset to your life too. You become more of a critical thinker and more passionate. This means you treat yourself differently as well as others. The key to the cause is using everything that makes you. You can't use what others are made of if you aren't made of the same thing. Your cause may not be the same as your mom's cause but your cause is just as great!

So stop & think, what is your cause in life? Seek it. Find it. Believe in it because its believing in you too.

Find your cause.

- Peace & Love

Friday, August 9, 2013

Your City of Gold

In watching National Treasures 2 featuring Nicolas Cage after morning church service I said I wish I could find a City of Gold, literally! Then my daughter said, "no no I don't want to. I'm not going through all of that". In the movie they used clues to get to a final location which was the discovery of the "City of Gold". Once they were under ground and literally moments away in finding the city there were traps and you had to use critical thinking to basically stay alive and hopefully find the treasure they were looking for. I then realized your dreams, goals, and success is your "City of Gold".

My daughter stated she didn't want to find no city of gold because she wasn't going through the danger. It was too much for her. And I said well then you don't want to be a success and be the great person you are because reaching your "City of Gold" means there will be traps, closed doors, & danger. You have to use the knowledge God gave you to reach your "City of Gold".

What we must all realize is our life is a "City of Gold"; the great things in your life are the gold. God has prepared it so but if you cannot use what you have to get to where you want to go; use your valuable knowledge; seek what you want; and be lead by the spirit it will be hard to fully reach your "City of Gold".

My city is continually being built now as I've grown into a better spiritual man, I have found my virtuous woman, I am privileged to create another human being when I thought it was not really possible due to a testicle accident, I have family and friends, & Im living out a passion as a music artist; just to name a few.

Be encouraged as you build and build your "City of Gold".

- Peace & Love

Friday, July 12, 2013

Passion Leaks Out

Passionate people live. Passion thrives when you don't feel like it. Passion is the speed that drives the dream.

Growing up I was taught to do what you love; wake up to your passion. But the same person that shared that valuable knowledge with me didn't accept my passion for writing and later music. I enjoyed so many other things but writing and creating music were my passions. And no matter what others thought my passion kept me close to the higher power and kept me sane. It leaked out of me.

Passion is the true motivator to everything. If you respect and love your craft, respectfully, the work ethic, love, & patience (to name a few) you illustrate for your craft/passion will show in your relationships, working the day job, & other areas in your life. One passion can feed another passion you may not know you're passionate about.

True passion will show itself not only in what you "love to do" but in all things!! I love creating music but I also have a passion to help people find their true selves.

Your passion allows you to feel the inner worth of yourself. If you are not feeling then your not living. And passionate people live!

- Peace & Love

Friday, June 28, 2013

15 Minutes

I planned to take a step away from my blog this week but something came up and I had to speak on it.

Men we have to realize the image we create to our children and others who watch us. And sometimes that means we have to redirect our peers to be better men to their/our children. Men help boys. Men help men. Boys help men. Simply put, iron sharpens iron.

We cannot allow our fellow man to fall and we see them getting ready to jump. Or they've fallen and we don't help pick them up. Being a family man my perception is more keen. My kids at home and the kids I teach are important to me. I have to raise the kids in my house and i have to raise the kids in my classroom. It's a duty I feel we all are called to; whether we like to want it or not.

I am involved in a blended family dynamic and work with kids involved in the same dynamic or worse. Men and women we must all work together to raise these beautiful human beings! Men we have to set the footing they'll stand in.

It takes 15 minutes of consistency for you to build a child up but a second to tear down the chance for a child to be all they can be. And before the child makes the decision of who they want to be let them see who they are made from and build off that. Whether they are in your house or not spend time shaping them, teaching them, and listening to them all the time!

Our boys and young men, our girls and young women, want their daddies to be fathers no matter their location. We don't realize not making a choice is worse than making a choice and choosing wrong. They just want us to make a choice; if we mess up we mess up. Being a man is living with a bad choice, learning from it, and moving forward. Deciding to do nothing is the worse thing we can do.

I say to every man with a child, no matter their location to you, take your 15 minutes of consistency. Show them you want them to be made in your image like God made you in His. Help shape them and not let them search for Eden in the wrong places, no matter their age.

All it takes is 15 minutes.

- Peace & Love

Saturday, June 22, 2013

President of Your White House

Men: Becoming a man is a joy but such a huge responsibility. Sometimes we have to miss out on family fun so the family can move forward. So they can fully be taken care of. As I learned we are the foundation and we are the anchor. When we can't do God definitely does.

I'm in a place now where I see the decisions I make and how I carry myself are more important now because I am married and have a family. Note who's watching you.

And this is what I want to make clear to any man (or woman) reading this; be all you are through, by, for; be everything with the One Most High. Because your flesh is weak and gives in easily. You must practice to beat this fight before the bigger issues arise. Of course, God can do anything for you but the question is what are you willing to do for Him, your wife, and your children?

It's been a challenging, well deserving, and interesting year thus far in 2013. I have to acknowledge though you cannot trace God you should recognize Him. I am witnessing now the set-up to a great life of increase. Something I've been waiting on for a long time!!!

I'm moving in a place where I will be getting paid for doing what I love. And there are opportunities to do more and receive an overwhelmingly overflow of financies. But in doing so I have to work long hours and probably miss out on just a few things. But it's worth it because the next season I'll decide what hours I am working or they'll be fun hours I can work because I won't miss a thing. The sacrifice is worth the wait and your time. Again, our family takes note in what we sacrifice. 

Men we are the idea of a dream. We are the images our family wants to be encouraged by. The reason they love the other image is because we are not fully doing our part and making the necessary decisions or structuring the discipline that is needed. They want us to be their hero.

Be the man I know you can and want to be. Be a man, elevated.

Friday, June 14, 2013

What You Took-What You Can't Give

Do you feel you aren't good enough? Is it because someone made you feel like that? They took you for granted what you can and could do? Did they talk down to you? Did they dictate what you were good in, good at, and you believed it all? Did they cause you not to accomplish "your" goals? And now you realize you settled not for you but because of them.  Let's take it a step further; the few things you are "good for" are the only things you give in your close knit relationships? And what you also just realized your close knit people love "what your good for"; however, what they need is what you're not able to give?

I understand this topic may be the first time you've experienced such a simple but complex idea. And I'm sorry you have experienced this. I have too. Thus, why I have to bring it up.

I'll conclude this topic by saying, now that you have realized one of the many things that have brought down your relationships you must figure out how to LIFT UP these relationships. Sit with these ideas. Understand their effectiveness. Finally, speak with a voice of clarity so imperfections can be corrected.

Until next time!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Luxury of Dreams

So many times we feel because we are not rich yet or if everyone in our city doesn't know our name, brand, & business we aren't living our dream. Not true.

My dream is to create music with lasting power that will elevate every listener, to teach the wonderful things I've learned in my life, and be professional in doing so. I'm not asking to be a celebrity but aware being a celebrity can come with what I truly am asking for. But what's great is I do what I love every day. I live my passion. I get paid for my passion, I have the resources to create, and I am able to be available to the people to help them elevate. Now I'm not living a luxury life but my luxury is living a life with passion & purpose.

Recognize it will take time for you to reach where you want to be in your dream. But you can reach it. Enjoy what you are able to do now. You may not have the team, the building, or a Mac Book Pro; but what you have is a dream that can never die unless you allow it to. You are doing a great job!!

Just focus on what you can do, stay consistent, and stay in your lane.

Until next time.

- Peace & Love
Jastin Artis

Friday, May 31, 2013

Motivate Yourself

Where are you receiving your motivation?

Have you believed what they told you and received unwanted results? Well, change what you think and what you believe. As easy as it is to believe and think the negative consider it's a challenge worth doing believing the positive. Even if the source of that positivity is you. Of course, what you need and want is support from your partner, friends, parents, and family. However, the reality is no one can give you the power you need but you and God.

Man will fail us and in most cases not on purpose. But don't get lost in someone else's failure. Get lost in your love.

Motivate yourself no matter "the what".

- Peace & Love
Jastin Artis

Friday, May 24, 2013

Set Your Standard Early

Men have issues. Women have issues. How do we overcome these issues? We must pay attention to the love signs and make the precautions in order to deal with the hurt & pain. Ideally this hurt and pain is of old and it gets hidden, covered, and layered in denial. We must become active in our own truth, acknowledge our truth in our hurt, and spend time with our issues ALL the time to ensure the issue is killed at the root. 

If we pay attention to the signs God gives us and the people we are dealing with problems will be bypassed. Remember we can't change who people are to us but we can change how they treat us. We can change how we accept their negative or our negative to them. Set your precautions. If we can stay active in these few things our insides will match our outter box swag. 

Peace & Love.

I'm Back

It's been some time since my last post. But I am back with an urge and a desire; not to be perfect but to help us all truly elevate. This blog may take some different turns but the truth will be told, points will be made, and a hunger to give it to you the way it's given to me will elevate you. My goal is to be straight forward and short. Some posts may be one sentence, a poem, a lyric, and/or a mere thought about a certain subject. Whatever it is I hope you take it in and use it.

Peace & Love,
Jastin Artis